> Mission #8 is "Rescue 10 Peasants". > > I finally managed to extinct the opposition but when I reached the > prison, all prisoners have died. Is there a time limit (eg. I must > have freed them before year 40) ? Or did they die because of loss of > food ? > I have just completed this level, Obviously you know where the prison is now. What I did was to ignore the needs of the people (in a fashion) in stead of steadily building up I instantly built Barracks and turned all the current male population and recruited all people possible from buildings already started to the army. Once I had a large army, march to the enemy camp take the prison first then attack the enemy head quarters, the enemy is destroyed remove prisoners and walk back to own camp. That's what i did and it seemed to work. The only problem with completing this level is the next one, (Dual Battle) Im getting seriously nadged as I cant stop the enemy peasants knicking all my stuff. Anyway another week beckons on this level, hopefully you will be on it soon to give me advise. |